Physics of the Cosmos
Exploring fundamental questions regarding the physical forces of the universe


Explosive Transients

Charlie Kilpatrick Multi-wavelength and multi-messenger observations of core-collapse supernovae and their progenitors [PDF]
Ori Fox Supernovae Interacting with their Circumstellar Environments [PDF]
Chris Fryer Multi-Messenger Diagnostics Probing the Supernova Engine [PDF]
Avishay Gal-Yam Explosive Transients: early moments [PDF]
Kate Maguire Explosive transients: Type Ia supernovae and white dwarf explosions [PDF]
Benjamin Rose Roman Transient Light Curves [PDF]
Abigail Polin The Status of SN Ia Models and how to distinguish between them [PDF]
Shami Chatterjee Fast Radio Bursts, Known Unknowns, Unknown Unknowns [PDF]
Niel Brandt, Franz Bauer, Peter Jonker, et al. Future Investigations of the New Extragalactic Population of Faint, Fast X-ray Transients [PDF]

Jetted Transients

Eric Burns How to make speed of light jets [PDF]
Taya Govreen-Segal & Ehud Nakar How Well Can We Determine the Geometry of Off-Axis GRBs? [PDF]
James E. Rhoads Looking for orphans (and their cousins) in wide fields [PDF]
Amy Lien Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Multi-Messenger Time-Domain Era [PDF]
Tiffany R. Lewis Modeling TXS 0506+056: Multimessenger Blazars and the MeV [PDF]
Marcos Santander Neutrinos as multimessenger probes of AGN environments [PDF]
Haocheng Zhang High Energy Polarimetry as a Probe into Cosmic Ray Acceleration and Neutrino Production in Jets [PDF]
Yvette Cendes New Discoveries in Late-Time Radio Emission in Tidal Disruption Events (TDEs) [PDF]
Robert Stein Tidal Disruption Events in the TDAMM era [PDF]
Sjoert van Velzen Stellar tidal disruption events multimessenger transients [PDF]
Bei Zhou Search for high-energy neutrino sources [PDF]
Shami Chatterjee Fast Radio Bursts, Known Unknowns, Unknown Unknowns [PDF]
Anna Y. Q. Ho &
Dan Perley
Jetted Transients: Engine-driven Supernovae [PDF]

Merger-Driven Transients

Alessandra Corsi Merger-Driven Transients: NS-NS, NS-BH, BH-BH [PDF]
Eran Ofek Importance of UV/optical observations for transients and ULTRASAT & LAST [PDF]
S. Ronchini, M. Branchesi, G. Oganesyan, et al. Perspectives for multi-messenger astronomy with the next generation of gravitational-wave detectors and high-energy satellites [PDF]
Elena Maria Rossi “Transient” from (Super)Massive Black Hole Mergers [PDF]
Jeremy Schnittman Precursors to LISA SMBHB Mergers [PDF]
Krista Lynne Smith Physics of Accretion and Binary Black Holes [PDF]
Kyle Kremer White Dwarf Mergers as Multi-Messenger Sources: An overview of sources in galactic fields and dense star clusters [PDF]
Other I
Kishalay De Mergers,Ejections and Disturbances Observations of common envelope physics across the stellar lifecycle [PDF]
Yadira Gaibor Constraining occurrence rates of short-period post-common envelope binaries [PDF]
Other II
Elias Aydi New Insights Into Classical Novae [PDF]
Yossef Zenati Compact Binaries: NS–WD mergers Formation and Outcomes [PDF]

Non-Terminal Sources

Maria R. Drout Stripped Star plus Compact Object Binaries: Identifying the Progenitors of Neutron Star Mergers [PDF]
Erin Kara Black hole X-ray Binaries in the Multi-Messenger Era [PDF]
Thomas J. Maccarone X-ray binaries in the time domain [PDF]
Tingting Liu Toward Time-domain and Multi-messenger Science with Supermassive Black Hole Binaries [PDF]
Scott C. Noble Time and Wavelength Domain Predictions for Accreting Binary Black Holes [PDF]
Daniel Stern Extreme Quasar Variability [PDF]
Caitlin Witt Multi-Messenger Coordination on the Supermassive Scale [PDF]
Kevin Burdge Progress and prospects in detecting sources of millihertz gravitational waves using electromagnetic radiation [PDF]
Simone Scaringi Recent time domain advances in AWD research brings more questions! [PDF]
Rafael Martínez-Galarza Multi-messenger counterparts and other transients in X-ray datasets [PDF]
Imre Bartos Stellar graveyards in AGN disks [PDF]
Henrike Fleischhack PeVatrons: Where are they hiding? [PDF]
24 February 2025
Special Physics of the Cosmos Announcement
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21 February 2025
ROSES-24 D.6 FERMI GI: Removing INTEGRAL and Reminder on Page Limits
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XMM-Newton Virtual Data Analysis Workshop on 1 – 3 April 2025
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2025 PI Launchpad: From Science Idea to NASA Mission In-Person Workshop. Applications Due 7 April 2025.
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XRISM International Conference 2025 on 20 – 24 October 2025 in Kyoto
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Message from the Associate Administrator of NASA's Science Mission Directorate
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