The Astro2020 Decadal Survey recommended an investment in Time Domain and Multi-Messenger Astrophysics (TDAMM) as the top-priority sustaining activity in space for the coming decade. This relatively new field burst onto the scene with the detection of neutrinos and photons from SN 1987A, and entered a new era in 2017, with the first detection of a binary neutron star merger, GW 170817 / GRB 170817A, in both gravitational waves and across the electromagnetic spectrum, and the second strong association between an astrophysical neutrino, IceCube-170922A, and a known source, the blazar TXS 0506+056. The field’s potential continues to grow as searches for electromagnetic counterparts to GW events continue and with the high-significance detection of neutrino emission from the galaxy NGC 1068.
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TDAMM observations cover a wide range of time-varying and multi-messenger phenomena that, expanding on the examples mentioned above, include characterization of exoplanet host stars, variable stars, fast radio bursts, and the regions closely surrounding supermassive black holes, to mention just a few.
Tasks for the TDAMM SIG may include any of the following:
Membership in the TDAMM SIG is open to the national and international scientific community without regard to institutional affiliation, education, or career status.