Physics of the Cosmos
Exploring fundamental questions regarding the physical forces of the universe

Physics of the Cosmos Program Analysis Group Mission Studies

X-ray Astrophysics Probe Study

(2013 – 2014)

NASA's Physics of the Cosmos (PCOS) Program established a Science and Technology Definition Team (STDT) to study concepts for a potential reduced-scale strategic spectroscopy X-ray mission with total mission cost less than $1B in FY 2013 constant year dollars. The X-ray Astrophysics Probe (XAP) STDT was constituted to assist the Astrophysics Division, through its PCOS Program Office, in developing a reference mission concept of high scientific, technical, and programmatic merit that would both address the X-ray science goals and program prioritizations of the Decadal Survey New World New Horizons (NWNH) for X-ray astrophysics and be executable within the Astrophysics Division's notional budget profile. For further details, see the Call for Letters of Application for Membership in the Science and Technology Definition Teams for Reduced Scale X-ray Mission Concepts.

The mission study was ended with the 2014 selection of the Athena mission in Europe, at which point NASA began efforts to partner with ESA on Athena. Please see the Athena study page for more information.

Announcing: XAP STDT Membership

PCOS is pleased to announce the names of the 16 members of the XAP STDT. There was a tremendous positive response from the community, thank you to all those who applied.

XAP STDT Membership

Name Institution
Jay Bookbinder, Co-Chair CfA
Niel Brandt PSU
Laura Brenneman CfA
Sebastian Heinz U. Wisconsin
Ann Hornschemeier, Co-Chair NASA GSFC
John Hughes Rutgers
Hironori Matsumoto, ISAS / JAXA Representative Nagoya
Dan McCammon U. Wisconsin
Richard Mushotzky U. Maryland
Rachel Osten STScI
Paul Plucinsky CfA
Brian Ramsey NASA MSFC
Christopher Reynolds U. Maryland
Mark Schattenburg MIT
Ex Officio
Robert Petre, XAP Study Scientist NASA GSFC
Rita Sambruna, PCOS Program Scientist NASA HQ

Reference Documents for the X-ray Astrophysics Probe Study

18 October 2024
NASA Astrophysics Virtual Town Hall on 23 October 2024
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ROSES-24: D.19 Habitable Worlds Observatory System Technology Demonstrations and Mission Architecture Studies DRAFT Text Released for Community Comment
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Call for Hubble Cycle 32 Bridge Programs
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ROSES-24: D.9 NuSTAR Due Date Moved up to 29 January 2025, and Other Changes
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ROSES-24: Changes for 2 CFR 200 Update
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