The Technology Science Analysis Group (TechSAG) was very active during the first year of the PhysPAG, providing broad community inputs to NASA PhysCOS technology planning. Many thanks to all the participants for their excellent work, with special thanks to Roger Brissenden for his very effective leadership of the TechSAG and his service as a PhysPAG Executive Committee member. The TechSAG work was completed (summer 2012) and moved to the four continuing SAGs (IPSAG, X-ray SAG, GWSAG, and GammaSAG), with cross-discipline coordination for annual technology inputs provided by the PhysPAG Executive Committee.
The four continuing SAGs were later redesignated as Science Interest Groups (SIGs): IP SIG, XR SIG, GW SIG, and GR SIG.
The goal of the PCOS Technology Science Analysis Group (TechSAG) is to provide quantitative analysis and assessment regarding PCOS technology needs to NASA via the Astrophysics Subcommittee (APS).
The TechSAG is open to all members of the community.