Physics of the Cosmos
Exploring fundamental questions regarding the physical forces of the universe

Gamma-ray Transient Network
Science Analysis Group


  • SAG Final Report [PDF]

The goals of the GTN SAG (see here for full terms of reference) are to analyze and answer the following questions:

  1. What time-domain and multimessenger sources rely on the InterPlanetary Network (IPN)? What scientific discovery will the IPN enable? How does it fit into the new astrophysical landscape? What would be lost if the IPN ends? How does the science case for IPN depend on interplanetary probes and the long baseline they provide?
  2. Where can improvements be made to the existing IPN? What are the needs of the full astronomical community, especially the needs of those who study fast radio bursts, optically-identified relativistic transients, the gravitational wave community, and the neutrino community? How can we make use of advances to the Global Coordinates Network, and how do IPN alerts need to be improved? What are the needs of the international gamma-ray satellite community? Would engagement between these new satellites and the IPN benefit the astrophysical community? Would greater integration bring greater benefits?
  3. What benefits would extending the IPN beyond the current gamma-ray instruments bring? What future missions and instruments are needed to fully realize the Decadal-recommended science in partnership with the advancing capabilities in other wavelengths and other messengers?

Questions or interested in participating? Contact Eric Burns (Chair, or Michael Coughlin (co-Chair,

8 January 2025
PhysCOS Activities at AAS 245
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