12 March 2025
We remind you that the call to be part of the NewAthena Science Community (NASC) is open until 16 March 2025.
This call is open to worldwide scientists at any career stage, including students, post-doctoral researchers, faculty, research staff, retirees, and those in private enterprises involved in the NewAthena Study. In particular, scientists involved in developing software for the reduction and scientific analysis of NewAthena data, the planning of the calibration activities and of the corresponding facilities, or in monitoring the instrument scientific performance are also encouraged to join the working group 7 (Science Support).
For the full scope and structure of the NASC, please see this document [PDF].
To apply to join the NASC please fill out the registration form.
Important note for existing members of the Athena science community: due to the GDPR of the European Parliament, members of the Athena science community must re-apply to the NASC. They shall not assume that their membership in the Athena science community can be transferred to the NASC without taking any actions. Responding to this call for membership is mandatory to become a member of the NASC.