2 December 2024
The Habitable Worlds Observatory (HWO) splinter session at the next AAS Winter Meeting will have a dedicated "pop" session where participants can provide a brief (~1 minute) single-slide presentation of their work relevant to HWO. The Splinter session is scheduled on 16 January 2025, from 9a – 12:45p Eastern (6a – 9:45a Pacific) and the pop session itself will tentatively be 10:45a – 11:15a Eastern. While the session will be presented in a hybrid fashion, due to logistical limitations, pop presenters must already be attending AAS in person.
Due to the limited number of pop slots, we will prioritize early-career individuals (undergraduate, post-bac, graduate, postdoc, and those within 10 years of earning their PhD) who have not previously attended an HWO meeting in person. We will also strive to ensure diverse representation from different topics: for example, but not limited to, origins and evolution of galaxies (including dark sector, AGN, ionizing photons, IGM & ICM), star formation, stars and stellar population, cosmic explosions, and exoplanets.
Please fill out this form to apply for a pop presentation by 8p Eastern (5p Pacific) on 6 December 2024. Please circulate this announcement with your local institution and communities. If you have any questions, please contact Raissa Estrela (restrela@jpl.nasa.gov) and Rob Zellem (robert.t.zellem@nasa.gov).