Physics of the Cosmos
Exploring fundamental questions regarding the physical forces of the universe

Program News and Announcements

20 December 2023

TDAMM SIG Kickoff Session at AAS Winter Meeting

The Time-Domain and Multimessenger Science Interest Group (TDAMM SIG) is starting up! The TDAMM SIG is taking a broad and inclusive view on the scope of this key Decadal recommendation. The chairs include Eric Burns and Rebekah Hounsell from PhysPAG, Brad Cenko from COPAG, and Ian Crossfield from ExoPAG.

The goals of TDAMM SIG include building and organizing the NASA-relevant TDAMM community, highlighting science gaps and needs from NASA, identifying specific analyses which may inform programmatic decisions, and fostering discussion between NASA and the community. The details and terms of reference are available on the TDAMM SIG webpage. The webpage also contains the instructions to sign up for the mailing list, which will be the main communication mode for SIG members.

The kickoff meeting will be on Sunday 7 January 2024 from 2p to 3p Central at the 243rd Meeting of the AAS in New Orleans. You are welcome to complete a brief questionnaire that will inform the discussion at the kickoff meeting!

22 July 2024
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IXPE Cycle 2 Proposal Deadline Reminder: 29 August 2024
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