Physics of the Cosmos
Exploring fundamental questions regarding the physical forces of the universe

Program News and Announcements

5 June 2023

ROSES-2023 Updates on Open Science and Data Management Plans

Section II(c) of the ROSES-2023 Summary of Solicitation and the six research overviews (A.1, B.1…) have been updated in two ways regarding the "Open Science and Data Management Plan" (OSDMP):

  • to include a link to the new SMD Open-Source Science Guidance document to help proposers write their plans and;
  • To add an important clarification regarding software archiving: The method of archiving software will not result in a weakness for proposals to ROSES-2023.

Where appropriate, in both the ROSES-2023 Summary of Solicitation and the six research overviews other small updates were also made, such as to the list of program elements and the references to the "Proposer's Guide" (formerly the Guidebook for Proposers). New text is in bold.

Please direct general questions concerning the ROSES-2023 Summary of Solicitation to Max Bernstein at, general questions concerning the OSDMP to, questions regarding the division overviews to the research & analysis leads, and questions about particular program elements to their respective point(s) of contact, all of whom may be found on the SARA program officers list.

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