Physics of the Cosmos
Exploring fundamental questions regarding the physical forces of the universe

Program News and Announcements

26 October 2023

ROSES-23 Amendment 57: F.8 Supplements for Open-Source Science change in scope and F.16 Supplement for Scientific Software Platforms Not Solicited

With the growth in data volumes and complex tools, scientific analysis platforms - interactive environments accessible through a web browser that provide access to data and computing resources to support scientific analysis and processing - will play an increasingly important role in the scientific process. Such platforms, including services running in a cloud environment or providing access to resources for artificial intelligence and machine learning, may provide the computing resources and tools that are co-located with the scientific data to allow for processing, analysis, visualization, or other services that would not be typically available via desktop computing or small computer clusters.

ROSES-2023 Amendment 57 announces that F.16 Supplement for Scientific Software Platforms (S4SSP) which was TBD, will not be solicited in ROSES this year. NASA does not intend to solicit F.16 S4SSP in ROSES 2024. Concomitantly, the scope of F.8 Supplements for Open-Source Science (SOSS) has been changed to accommodate cloud-based activities for an existing NASA award. This includes an increase in the expected program budget and requirements for applying for the cloud-based activities. Requests for Amazon Web Services (AWS) credits to support activities from the parent award may now be submitted to the F.8 SOSS program. These credits shall be used towards computing services to support computing activities on the AWS cloud platform. These credits may also be used to provide cloud services for a workshop or hackathon supporting Open Science.

On or about 20 October 2023, this Amendment to the NASA Research Announcement "Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2023" (NNH23ZDA001N) will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage and will appear on SARA's ROSES blog.

Questions concerning F.16 S4SSP or F.8 SOSS may be directed to Steven Crawford at and

5 November 2024
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