Physics of the Cosmos
Exploring fundamental questions regarding the physical forces of the universe

Program News and Announcements

1 March 2023

PhysCOS Announces New PhysPAG Executive Committee Members

The Physics of the Cosmos Program Analysis Group (PhysPAG) serves as a community-based, interdisciplinary forum for soliciting and coordinating community analysis and input in support of Physics of the Cosmos objectives and of their implications for architecture planning and activity prioritization and for future exploration. It provides findings of analyses to the NASA Astrophysics Division Director.

PhysPAG activities are overseen by an Executive Committee (EC), comprising appointed members of the PhysPAG whose responsibilities include organizing meetings and collecting and summarizing community input with subsequent reporting to the Astrophysics Division Director.

PhysCOS is happy to announce new members of the PhysPAG EC beginning in February 2023:

  • Dr. Chiara Mingarelli (U. Connecticut)
  • Dr. Chien-Ting Chen (USRA/MSFC)
  • Dr. Alessandra Corsi (Texas Tech.)
  • Dr. Roger O’Brient (JPL)
  • Dr. Rebekah Hounsell (UMBC/GSFC)
  • Dr. Manel Errando (Washington U. St. Louis)

The new chair and vice-chair of the EC are Dr. Justin Finke and Dr. Athina Meli, respectively, while Dr. Grant Tremblay has moved to chair emeritus.

Rolling off the EC will be Drs. Ryan Hickox, Sean McWilliams, and Bindu Rani. We thank these members for their service to the community.

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