Physics of the Cosmos
Exploring fundamental questions regarding the physical forces of the universe

Program News and Announcements

13 September 2023

IXPE General Observer Cycle 1 Notice of Intent Due 18 September 2023

Please note that the deadline for non-mandatory Notice of Intent (NOI) for General Observer (GO) Cycle 1 proposals for the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) is on 18 September 2023.

The purpose of the IXPE NOI request is to help inform preparations for the peer review. The critical information we seek are the potential number of proposals, the types of proposals, and basic target information. An NOI may be submitted either by the intended PI for the phase 1 proposal or by someone else associated with the proposal. The latter option may be useful for proposals led by individuals not currently registered in NSPIRES. If using this option, please see item #2 below.

One needs first to log into the NSPIRES system (if you don’t already have an account, you may create one via the link on the page), find the IXPE General Observer – Cycle 1 page, then click on the Create button.

Once a NOI Title has been given on the NSPIRES site, there are 5 Elements to the NOI:

(1) Summary: Please provide a brief description of the target(s) of the intended investigation including, if available, the target name(s), celestial coordinates, and astrophysical object type. For theory proposals, please provide a brief overview of the theoretical investigation. Please note there is a 4000-character limit. Note that the default instructions given on the NSPIRES site are not relevant for IXPE and should be ignored.

(2) Business Data: Please ignore this element unless the person submitting the NOI is not the intended PI for the Phase 1 IXPE proposal. If that is the case, then the intended PI should be entered into the NOI Point of Contact field including that person's name, email address, and phone number.

(3) Budget: This element is Not Requested.

(4) Program Specific Data: Please complete fields 3 and 4 of this element. Fields 1 and 2 may be left blank. If you wish to suggest potential GO review panel members, they may be entered in field 2; however, this is not required.

(5) Proposal Team: Please ignore this element. Specifically, it is not necessary to include any team members on the NOI beyond the intended proposal PI.

If you have any questions about the NOI or the IXPE GO program, please submit them through the IXPE help desk.

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