19 January 2023
The deadline for submitting nominations, including self-nominations, for the PhysPAG Executive Committee (EC) is Friday, 20 January 2023. Nominations should be submitted via email to PhysPAG-ECNominations@bigbang.gsfc.nasa.gov. Nominations must include both a cover letter and a one-page curriculum vitae summarizing the nominee’s relevant background, all bound in a single PDF file with a file size no greater than 1 MB.
Please find more information about this in the full Dear Colleague Letter. Reach out to the PhysCOS Chief Scientists, Francesca Civano (francesca.m.civano@nasa.gov) and Brian Humensky (brian.humensky@nasa.gov), or the HQ Program Scientist, Valerie Connaughton (valerie.connaughton@nasa.gov) with any questions.