Physics of the Cosmos
Exploring fundamental questions regarding the physical forces of the universe

Program News and Announcements

2 December 2022

ROSES-22 D.13 Astrophysics Pioneers Revised Text

ROSES-2022 Amendment 67 releases significantly revised text for the D.13 Pioneers program element, which solicits proposals for "Pioneers", Astrophysics space and sub-orbital science investigations that are greater in cost, scope and capability than what is possible within Astrophysics Research and Analysis (APRA; D.3 of ROSES-2022) but are smaller in cost than what is possible within the Astrophysics Explorers Mission of Opportunity program.

Major changes include: 1) This program element is not participating in the Inclusion Plan Pilot Program but 2) Proposals will be evaluated using the dual-anonymous peer review process. See Section 2 and the associated "Guidelines for Anonymous Proposals" document on the NSPIRES page for this program element. 3) Letters of support from the International Space Station office, the Balloon Program Office, or Commercial Lunar Payloads Services are no longer required as part of the proposal; these instead are now required with the submission of the Concept Study Report.

Due dates have not changed: Mandatory Notices of Intent are due by 27 January 2023, and proposals are due 16 March 2023.

Questions concerning D.13 Pioneers may be directed to Michael Garcia at

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