Physics of the Cosmos
Exploring fundamental questions regarding the physical forces of the universe

Program News and Announcements

4 December 2020

Payloads and Research Investigations on the Surface of the Moon (PRISM) Step-2 Due Date Delay

The Payloads and Research Investigations on the Surface of the Moon (PRISM) program element solicits proposals for investigations that include development and flight of science-driven suites of instruments and technology demonstration payloads that will be delivered to the lunar surface on Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS). This PRISM solicitation calls for science investigations that will be delivered to the lunar surface in late Calendar Year (CY) 2023 and early CY2024 to predetermined lunar landing sites. These deliveries will go to Reiner Gamma (a lunar swirl) in 4th Quarter of 2023, and a Schrödinger Basin impact melt (lunar far side) in Q2 2024. Proposals must identify one of these lunar landing sites and propose an investigation uniquely achieved at that location. No other landing sites shall be proposed. Some technology development and maturation within the proposed project is allowed, but the primary review criteria for selection are the merit of the proposed science investigation and ability to deliver on schedule.

This amendment delays the Step-2 due date for E.11 Payloads and Research Investigations on the Surface of the Moon (PRISM). The Step-2 proposal due date for PRISM is now 3 February 2021. The Step-1 due date remains unchanged as 11 December 2020.

The main point of contact for E.11 PRISM is Brad Bailey at

26 June 2024
Learn About LISA via Zoom on Friday 28 June
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Lunar Surface Science Virtual Workshop 20 August 2024: Registration Open
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24 June 2024
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