Physics of the Cosmos
Exploring fundamental questions regarding the physical forces of the universe


Image: Artist's rendering of a supermassive black hole powering an active galactic nucleus (AGN). Credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech

The goal of the Astrophysics Cross-Observatory Science Support (ACROSS) initiative is to incentivize and enable community-validated science cases that exceed the capabilities of a single observatory or science team. We partner with observers and science teams to provide services and intrastructure, transforming our fleet of observatories into a cohesive observing system to realize the full potential of time domain and multimessenger science.

  • Astrophysics Cross-Observatory Science Support (ACROSS) Flyer [PDF]

Capability Development Focus Areas

Science Feasibility Tools
Fleet State & Status Information Streams
  • Target visibility / observability
  • Mission target histories
  • Long- and short-term observing plans
  • Constraints on planning / scheduling feasibility
  • Whether event of interest was coincidentally detected
  • When it was last within FoV
  • When it will next be within FoV
  • Opportunity to prototype interfaces with ground-based facilities

ToO Toolkit
Target of Opportunity Pages for New Missions (Burstcube, Starburst)
  • A tailorable software toolkit to assist planning and execution
  • Enables streamlined, standardized, and automated ToO workflows
  • Incorporates cross-observatory science feasibility information streams and follow-up decision support tools

Web Portal
Under Development, Targeting 2024 Release
  • Capability summaries for TDAMM-relevant observatories
  • Links to ACROSS and community-developed tools
  • Links to ToO submission pages for all missions
  • Links to funding opportunities, conferences, and workshops
  • Events of Interest pages, both static (curated by humans, updated quarterly) and dynamic (built from near-term observing plans and recent observation history for popular ToOs)

Research Announcement
Under Development, Targeting 2026 Release
  • Targeted at development of tools or observing modes that enable new science cases
  • An opportunity for funding of DDT observations made by smaller missions (analogous to flagship DDT opportunities)
  • An overarching TDAMM science call for proposals designed to streamline or fill the gaps between existing joint observing calls, remove the risk of double jeopardy, and explicitly support observing programs which require coordination between two or more observatories

Community Support
  • Tutorials and training sessions at the next NASA-hosted TDAMM Workshop, anticipated Fall 2024
  • Planned: Helpdesk — to assist in coordinating “ACROSS” multiple observatories

26 June 2024
Learn About LISA via Zoom on Friday 28 June
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Lunar Surface Science Virtual Workshop 20 August 2024: Registration Open
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ROSES-24: D.5 Swift General Investigator Amendment: IXPE Joint Observing Program and Change to NuSTAR Exclusive-Use Period
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Slides Available from Habitable Worlds Observatory START and TAG Meeting
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24 June 2024
NASA Astrophysics Division Selects Six US Scientists for Joint ESA-NASA Science Team
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