On 19 January 2019, NASA HQ Astrophysics Division announced creation of a task force to assess NASA's role in Gravitational Wave Electromagnetic Counterpart (GW-EM) astrophysics, particularly EM observations of LIGO sources, and the optimization thereof for present and planned missions.
On 17 December 2019, the Gravitational Wave-Electromagnetic Counterpart Task Force (GW-EM TF) released its final report.
NASA HQ Astrophysics Division created the GW-EM TF to assess NASA's role in Gravitational Wave Electromagnetic Counterpart (GW-EM) astrophysics, particularly EM observations of LIGO sources, and the optimization thereof for present and planned missions.
The Task Force leveraged off the work of the Multi-Messenger Astrophysics Science Analysis Group (MMA SAG). While the MMA SAG looks at science goals achievable in the next decade and more, the GW-EM TF is nearer-term, focusing specifically on NASA's role in the EM prompt and follow-up observations of events detected by LIGO and the future LIGO A+.
The NASA GW-EM Task Force was tasked with the following specific activities: