Physics of the Cosmos
Exploring fundamental questions regarding the physical forces of the universe

Future Innovations in Gamma Rays

Future Innovations in Gamma Rays (FIG SAG) Meeting

Thursday, 29 February 2024, 1 PM EST (GMT-5)

Gamma-Ray Science Priorities for the Next Two Decades

The first meeting of the Future Innovations in Gamma Rays Science Analysis Group (FIG SAG) is set to take place on February 29, 1 PM EST. The goal of the meeting is to discuss and delineate gamma-ray science priorities for the next two decades.

  • Presentation [PDF]

Meeting Video
  • Meeting Notes [PDF]


Our primary goal for this meeting is to brainstorm and compile a list of ideas that will guide our scientific inquiries and priorities over the next 20 years. We aim to foster a collaborative environment where every participant can contribute to shaping the future of gamma-ray science. We encourage everyone to think broadly and ambitiously, particularly focusing on the landscape of the 2040s and beyond.

Guiding questions

In preparation for our discussion, here are some questions we encourage you to consider:

  • Think BIG: What scientific questions do you hope to see answered within the next 20 years? Follow up: how can gamma-ray observations support answering these questions?
  • Think Wide: Reflect on the diverse and interconnected domains of high-energy astrophysics such as stellar evolution, compact objects, galaxies, cosmology, dark matter & new physics, diffuse emission, solar science, and exoplanets, alongside the fundamental physics concepts of radiative and acceleration processes. How can future gamma-ray research across these areas drive our understanding of the universe, challenge existing paradigms, and open new frontiers in both observational techniques and theoretical models?
  • Consider the three big questions posed by NASA:
    • How Does the Universe Work?
    • How Did We Get Here?
    • Are We Alone?

How can gamma-ray observations fit into this framework?

Desired outcomes of the meeting

By the end of our meeting, we intend to have a comprehensive list of science questions that we will explore further in our following meetings. This list of science questions is the broadest possible one that we can come up with in the duration of our meeting. Remember: we are brainstorming and are not limited by feasibility or political considerations. In this meeting, we think big and think wide.

A few final points...

  1. In addition to our meeting, we will use the #science-priorities channel on FIG-SAG’s Slack workspace for additional discussion. To join the workspace, please follow FIG SAG Slack
  2. Save the date, June 24 – 28, 2024: we are organizing a FIG-SAG in-person meeting at Michigan Tech. Stay tuned, details TBA.

Looking forward to meeting you all on February 29th!

Warm regards,
FIG SAG Leadership

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