5 January 2024
Dear members of the astrophysics community,
The Astrophysics Division (APD) and its three thematic Program Offices (POs) — Cosmic Origins (COR), Exoplanet Exploration Program (ExEP), and Physics of the Cosmos (PhysCOS) — are starting the next technology gap prioritization cycle, informed by the Pathways to Discovery in Astronomy and Astrophysics for the 2020s (Astro2020) and request your input.
Since 2019, the POs have implemented a joint biennial strategic technology gap prioritization process. To ensure that APD invests in the right technologies, we are reaching out to the community to help identify gaps between today’s state-of-the-art technologies and what will be needed for missions and development activities identified as priorities by the 2020 Astrophysics Decadal Survey (Astro2020).
As the first step in our process, we want your input on the most important areas for technology development in response to Astro2020. These could be modifications to one or more of our 2022 APD technology gaps, or gaps that aren’t currently addressed. Note that all strategic gaps (Tiers 1-4) from 2022 will be automatically included in this cycle, so there is no need to resubmit them if you aren’t suggesting a modification. To submit a modified or new gap, please download the technology gap submission form, fill it out according to the instructions enclosed there, and email the completed entry to Opher Ganel at opher.ganel@nasa.gov and Brendan Crill at bcrill@jpl.nasa.gov by 3 June 2024. If you have questions, please email those to Opher or Brendan, leaving enough time for a response and your submission before the above deadline.
After the submission due date, the POs’ science and technology teams will prioritize the gaps according to the four criteria shown on our technology websites. Prioritized rankings, along with a description of APD’s technology needs, will be published in the Astrophysics Biennial Technology Report (ABTR), which will be published in late September 2024, as well as on our websites. Importantly, the joint gaps list will inform possible amendments to future Strategic Astrophysics Technology (SAT) ROSES D.7 solicitations.
This is your opportunity to take an active role in shaping the future of space technology for astrophysics and helping us align it to the recommendations of Astro2020. However, please note the above-mentioned gap submission deadline for this prioritization cycle.