Physics of the Cosmos
Exploring fundamental questions regarding the physical forces of the universe

Program News and Announcements

20 March 2024

NuSTAR Users' Committee (NUC) Self-nominations Due 26 April 2024

NASA's Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) high-energy mission is seeking letters of self-nomination for people to rotate onto the NuSTAR Users' Committee (NUC). The NUC provides community advice and feedback to the project and NASA Headquarters and helps ensure the interests of the guest investigator community are well-served by the project.

Membership consists of approximately 10 members of the NuSTAR science community and meets twice a year for a ~one-hour telecon. Terms are intended to be four years.

The NUC is currently chaired by Daniel Wik. Further details on the NUC, including its charter, are available on the NUC webpage.

Membership on this committee is open to the world, and we intend a committee that is diverse in terms of career stage, gender, ethnicity, and scientific focus.

Please send letters of self-nomination to by 26 April 2024. Self-nomination letters should be up to one page in length, and should include a one-page curriculum vitae.

26 June 2024
Learn About LISA via Zoom on Friday 28 June
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Lunar Surface Science Virtual Workshop 20 August 2024: Registration Open
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ROSES-24: D.5 Swift General Investigator Amendment: IXPE Joint Observing Program and Change to NuSTAR Exclusive-Use Period
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Slides Available from Habitable Worlds Observatory START and TAG Meeting
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24 June 2024
NASA Astrophysics Division Selects Six US Scientists for Joint ESA-NASA Science Team
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