Physics of the Cosmos
Exploring fundamental questions regarding the physical forces of the universe

Program News and Announcements

20 December 2023

ROSES-23 F.21 Artemis Deployed Instruments Program — Second Crewed Landing deferred to ROSES-24

When it is solicited, the Artemis Deployed Instruments Program solicits proposals for instruments to be deployed on the surface of the Moon during the second crewed lunar south polar landing. Deployed instruments will consist of autonomous instrument packages installed on the lunar surface, either robotically or by astronauts during extravehicular activities. These science packages will enable a variety of geophysical and environmental investigations. Some measurements from deployed instruments may reduce risks to astronauts in addition to their intrinsic scientific value.

These proposed deployed instruments must be capable of addressing one or more scientific objectives in the Artemis Science Plan [PDF] as well as those identified in the Artemis III Science Definition Team (SDT) Report [PDF]. These objectives are:

  • Understanding planetary processes
  • Understanding the character and origin of lunar polar volatiles
  • Interpreting the impact history of the Earth-Moon system
  • Revealing the record of the ancient sun and our astronomical environment
  • Observing the universe and the local space environment from a unique location
  • Conducting experimental science in the lunar environment
  • Investigating and mitigating exploration risks.

ROSES-2023 Amendment 69 announces that F.21 Artemis Deployed Instruments Program — Second Crewed Landing, which was TBD, will not be solicited in ROSES this year. However, NASA anticipates that it will be solicited as F.12 Artemis IV Deployed Instruments Program in ROSES-2024.

Please direct questions concerning F.21 Artemis Deployed Instruments Program to Ryan Watkins and Amanda Nahm at

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