12 October 2022
D.3 Astrophysics Research and Analysis Program (APRA) solicits basic research proposals for investigations that are relevant to NASA's programs in astronomy and astrophysics. The focus of D.7 Strategic Astrophysics Technology (SAT) is the maturation of key technologies for incorporation into future strategic astrophysics flight missions.
ROSES-2022 Amendment 55 announces that the mandatory notice of intent (NOI) due date for both D.3 APRA and D.7 SAT has been deferred to 4 November 2022. The proposal due date remains unchanged at 15 December 2022. In addition, as part of making the Inclusion Plan language uniform and consistent among all Astrophysics elements that require an Inclusion Plan, the Inclusion Plan language in APRA and SAT has been replaced entirely with new text that conforms to the new Astrophysics standard.
Please direct questions concerning D.3 APRA to Dominic Benford at Dominic.Benford@nasa.gov and questions concerning D.7 SAT to Mario R. Perez at mario.perez@nasa.gov.