12 October 2022
Dear Colleague,
NASA is soliciting applications and nominations for individuals affiliated with U.S. institutions to serve on an in-depth and comprehensive review of NASA’s Scientific Balloon Program. NASA’s Scientific Balloon Program is managed by the Astrophysics Division for all of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate. The purpose of the review is to assist NASA in maximizing the scientific yield and operational efficiency of the Balloon Program within the available funding and provide findings and recommendations. The review team will be required to provide the the following:
The Balloon Program provides rapid, low-cost access to a near-space environment through numerous annual launch campaigns, enabling important scientific discoveries and cutting-edge research in a wide variety of NASA science. In addition, balloon-borne investigations are an excellent training ground for the next generation of scientists and engineers as well as the maturation of technology, but are integral pieces for future NASA space missions. Further details on the Balloon Program can be found here at the Balloon Program’s website.
The review is the result of a recommendation of the Decadal Survey on Astronomy and Astrophysics 2020 in its report, Pathways to Discovery in Astronomy and Astrophysics for the 2020s, which asked for “an external review of the balloon program to establish a framework for accomplishing the competing needs of achieving flight capabilities and launch rates that meet demands, ensuring adequate investment in payloads, and lowering barriers to entry.” The terms of reference for this Balloon Program Independent Review can be found on the Universe Document webpage.
Nomination / Application Letters:
Applications and nominations to serve on the review should consist of a single PDF which includes a cover letter, including a statement of expertise pertinent to serving on the review, a 1-2 page resume / CV, and a statement of commitment to serve for the duration of the review (anticipated to be ~18 months starting in Spring 2023). Applications and nominations will be accepted for candidates affiliated with U.S. institutions; there is no citizenship requirement.
Members appointed to the panel will be appointed as Special Government Employees. Note that the cover letter should speak directly to the anticipated criteria for selection:
We will begin evaluating applications starting Friday 21 October 2022. Only email applications of a single PDF file will be accepted. Please submit your application via email to Dr. Kartik Sheth at kartik.sheth@nasa.gov with a cc to Dr. Thomas Hams at thomas.hams-1@nasa.gov.
We anticipate regular remote meetings and in-person meetings. The in-person meetings may require travel within the US. NASA will provide funding for the travel needed for the review.
Applications will be reviewed at NASA Headquarters. The Astrophysics Division Director will be the final selection official for the panel.